
A Serene Dining Experience

Prosper provided a holistic design approach for this new restaurant environment. The resulting interior concept delivers a strong visual identity and elevates Chi to a new level in fast-casual dining.
The restaurant experience is now a match for the fantastic menu.

Interior Design

After exploring several creative routes, we pursued the idea of transporting customers into an environment inspired by the qualities of Asian Gardens.

We achieved this feeling via a combination of subtle and overt references, using a natural materials palette, with more overt references being the abundant planting and cherry blossom feature.

A Scalable
Restaurant Concept

Chi has ambitious plans to expand its UK portfolio, so future proofing and scalability were key considerations.

The cherry blossom canopy is a standout feature highly visible from the street. This icon will form a key component of Chi’s brand identity.

Similarly, the bar design, materials palette, light fixtures, and furniture deliver a consistent brand message.

The concept achieves this while providing flexibility to ensure each restaurant is grounded in its location.

Flexibility and Zoning

Chi’s interior divides the restaurant into different zones to cater for a range of customers. 

Seating booths provide intimate dining for groups of up to six people. The central feature zone has flexible seating to cater for couples or larger groups. 

A dedicated bar is a progressive step for Chi, adding an important social hub while repositioning Chi as a meeting place for drinks as well as dining.

Concept Design to Architectural Delivery

Chi illustrates how Prosper’s complete design service benefits clients.

This collaborative effort leveraged Prosper’s interior design and architectural services to transform this retail unit into a modern, vibrant restaurant. Chi benefitted from Prosper’s single partner approach to ensure concept integrity was maintained throughout the process.  

The result? A vibrant restaurant design that has taken this brand to new heights.


Client : Chi Restaurants
Contractor : 
Mayan Interiors

Planting  :  Urban Planters

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